
Mrs Guthrie and  Mrs Brownridge


Miss Wilson (Threthmore) getting her westie ready. Is Mrs Frazer with her ?
At the back from right to left : Mr Bob Clay, Mrs N Wright and Barbara Hands


Mrs Doreen Lancaster with Clanestar Careless Whisper No 1 Junior bitch and ..... with Arnaval Ace no 1 Junior dog at the ‘91  WHWTC of Eng Ch Show. At the back Margaret Squire (Kimgarwyn) talking to Jane Kabel (Lasara) .Brian Squire us standing behind Margaret. Next to Jane Mrs Wooton(Herwish) .At the end Mrs Gordon (Tiellos)mother to Angus , Angus’ girl friend and Angus with out a head <g>


Judge M Collins(Purston) Connie Hartmann (Fritsilver) with no1, Geoff Corish, Mary Kernick (Makerch) and
Mrs Margaret Duel (LLorell), Mr Bonas (Tasman) in the ring at the back. Abert Langley watching together with Cliff Hallmark


Leeds 1986? Post Graduate Bitch?
On the table  Pepabby Petite handled by Julie (than) Edmondson), Freda Cooke behind her waiting for her turn with Famecheck Joyous, Barbara Graham in the ring with  Lasara Look Again  having been seen


Great photo by Chris Kernick taken at SKC 1984. Mr Bonas (Tasman) talking to Mr J Guthrie (Guilliland)


Mr John Shelley  talking to Doris Parr (Arnholme) ,behind him Barbara with Jack Hammond (Greenshire) and Jane Kabel (Lasara).Sitting on the crate is Margaret Webster (Kilbrannon) with Barbara Graham (Lasara ) with Mrs Dorothea Martin . In the ring we can just see Sue Thomson and Roger Wright’s face


No 56 Arnholme Academy Award of Olton (Hill & Wilson)
Mrs L Strand (Westlake) with Highstile Penny and Mrs N Wright with Newtonglen Silver Token

At the back  Mrs Ela Berry (Incherill talking to Mr Willie Cuthbert


Judge Mr W Bertram (Highstile)  Angus Gordon (Tielloes)JeanAbbey??(Kristajen) Kirsten Fox with  Hillsted Sporting Chance,Derek Tattersall(Olac) with Olac Moonpilot , Mary Kernick (Makerch), Roger Wright (Rotella), Audrey Millen (Sarmac) with Sarmac Merry Monarch


Exhibitors: Mrs A Hutchinson,Mr Roger Wright (Rotella),Mrs Sue Thomson (Ashgate), Mrs Williams (Valucis) and Barbara Hands (Crinan)
At the ringside : Kim Parvin, Mrs and Mr Brownridge
Behind Sheila Clelandd (Birkfell)with Ms Frazer-Smith  and at the end Mr Bonas (Tasman


Gisela McKenzie with Murrayisle Keppoch  , Barbara Graham with Loyal Tom of Lasara   , Sue Jackson with Sumar Sojacks , Freda Cooke with Famecheck Marching Orders


Ernie Sharpe handling, Doreen lancaster (Clanestar), Sue Jackson(Sumar),George Green , Geoff Corish


Jane Kabel with Lasara Lady Sue (class winner I think), Miss Wilson (Trethmore),Julie Edmondson (Pepabby) and Muriel Coy (Cedarfell). Show must be Richmond ?


I see Kim Parvin,Dot Britten (Krisma) Mrs Frazer-Smith,Chris Lingwood (Heatherwood)
Behund Kim WEndy Corri (inverglen) and Mags Evans ? (Ogdeva), Ken Corri mid way and at the back Derek Tatersall (Olac)


First row : Lynn Jenkinso, ??, Lillian Strand (Westlake) Bob Foulkes(Poolmist),?? Jean Abbey (Krsitajen), Mags Evans(Ogdeva),Connie Hartmann(Fritsilver),Doreen Lancaster (Clanestar),Julie Edmondson (Pepabby) ,Miss Wilson(Trethmore)
Next row : Sarah Hooper (Yorsar),Margaret Cook,  Brenda Holt,  Miss bacon (Cabon),Wendy Corri (Inverglen),,behind her Roy Wilshaw (Domaroy)Dot Britten (Krisma),Chris Lingwood (Heatherwood),Derek Tattersall (Olac) , Tommy Evans (Ogdeva), Ken Corri behind Pat Edmondson(Pepabby),Mrs Frazer Smith, Sheile Cleiland (Birkfell),  Rita Aspinal


Showing: Mr F Rundle with Ballacoar Mingaye (1st in Junior) , Julie Edmondson with Highstile Peggoty and Mr W Bertram with Hightile Peach , 1st in puppy and  Res CC.
Ringside ,The sisters Wilson(Trethmore) , Sheila Cleland (Birkfell) Mrs Frazer Smith, sitting are Mrs and Mrs Bartlett (Dwilencia)


Mr W Cuthbert judgng a big class at the WHWTCof Eng Ch show in 1986 held at Towcester


Three Counties ‘ 72 Judge Bill Foster In the ring left to right: Kate Owen with Gaywyn Gypsy,Barbara Graham with Lasara Limpet,Kathleen Gallagher with Sheldawyn Sugarmint, Betty Armsrong with Cedarfel MonnMelody (Justrite) ,Sheila Morgan with Ch Ballacoar Musetta Of Cedrafell  and George Wright with Drumcope Drewdrop . Ring side at the left corner Ron Armstrong (Justrite) holding his dog , next to him Muriiel Coy (Cedarfell)Mr & Mrs Ellis ,Pam Graham (Rushpark) Dennis Morgan, Mrs Imgram(Woodpuddle), Mr Kearsy,father of Syliva Kearsy(Pillerton) Ken Abbey(Kristajen) behind Ken, Jean Abbey with white coat) Trevor Clayton and Harold Galagher . Bitch CC winnerds on the day were Newman’s White Rose Of Ide and Res CC Cook’s Famecheck Busybody, both form Limit


Barbara Graham judging where ?.First in line : Freda Cooke (Famecheck), no 3 Ron Armstrong,, no 4 Ian Darnell (Spireite) and Sturat LImb ?? (Cregneash)


Francis Rundle with no 2 Hodsolls Furzeleigh Last Edition, Lancaster 1st & RCC   Birkfell Silver Thistle of Clanestar and Sylvia Kearsey’s Pillerton Pearl , no 3 )


1972  From right to left: Mr Bertram(Highstile) and Miss Freda Cooke (Famecheck)  Doreen Lancaster and at the end Hazel Clayton ? )


Darlington 1972 (Love to know who the Westie is (We think the lady showing is Pat Welch, Glengyle ), very nice photo of Mrs K Samson (Quakertown) sitting ringside


Mr Len Pearson judging at WELKS 1978 ? or , on table ? ,than Mr F Rundle,Mrs Sheila Morgan (Ballacoar), Geoff Corish directing :-)


Mrs Anthony with one of her Crystone Champions

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